DNA testing in Ukraine
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Prices are valid for Kyiv. In other cities the additional payment is 500 UAH, term +3 days.
Terms are shown in working days
Relation and Identification DNA testing | |||
Paternity DNA testing for personal use | |||
1 | DNA Paternity test alleged Father + Child, up to 25 loci, electronic and paper results; | 5 days | 4900 грн |
75 | Additional tested party one more Child or Alleged Father; | 2900 грн | |
21 | Accelerated testing additionally to DNA paternity test; | 3 days | 2900 грн |
140 | VIP paternity test additionally to DNA test price; | 1 days | 5900 грн |
167 | Extended testing 30-34 loci additionally to DNA test price; | +3 days | 4500 грн |
716 | Retesting a standard sample (buccal swabs) at self for 1 sample (buccal epithelium or non-standard sample); | 6 days | 950 грн |
Legal paternity DNA testing - for court, embassy | |||
150 | DNA paternity test for Court alleged father + child; | 15 days | 10900 грн |
151 | DNA Paternity test ordered by Court (forensic molecular genetic expertise) father + child; | 15 days | 11900 грн |
152 | Legally-binding paternity test (DDC, USA) for court or embassy in USA, Canada, UK, Australia etc., AABB acccreditation Alleged father + Child; | 13 days | 13900 грн |
156 | Additional tested party in testing for Court mother, one more father, one more child; | 5900 грн | |
171 | Acceleration of legal test | 7 days | 3500 грн |
319 | Urgency of VIP pre-trial/trial paternity test | 2-3 days | 7500 грн |
63 | Preparing documents for Court DNA testing included into test price; | 4000 грн | |
676 | Апостилювання результату аналізу ДНК лабораторії D | 30 days | 5700 грн |
Non-invasive paternity test | |||
886 | Prenatal DNA test Japan (Japan) including gender test; | 15 days | 51000 грн |
209 | Testing a non-standard father sample in a non-invasive prenatal DNA paternity test nails, toothbrush, earwax, chewing gum; | +5 days | 5900 грн |
148 | Additional Intended Father when tested at the same time as the mother; | 13900 грн | |
Invasive prenatal paternity testing | |||
97 | Invasive paternity DNA test amniotic fluid or chorionic villi from the fetus + mother + alleged father; | 8 days | 9900 грн |
Relationship DNA testing for personal use | |||
2 | DNA Maternity test alleged Mother + Child, up to 25 loci; | 5 days | 4900 грн |
3 | Grandparentage DNA test participation of the mother is free, as necessary for accuracy (at the request of the laboratory); | 12 days | 8900 грн |
7 | Avuncular DNA test participation of the mother is free, as necessary for accuracy (at the request of the laboratory); | 12 days | 8900 грн |
5 | Half Siblingship DNA test half-siblingship, determining of having one common parent, participation of the mother is free, as necessary for accuracy; | 12 days | 8900 грн |
4 | Full siblingship DNA test participation of the mother is free, as necessary for accuracy; | 12 days | 8900 грн |
9 | Y-Chromosome DNA test 2 male participants, up to 17 loci; | 10 days | 8500 грн |
16 | X-Chromosome DNA test 2 paternal half-sisters, 2 paternal half-sisters + common mother (mother; | 12 days | 8500 грн |
49 | Compound or distant relationship (cousins, uncles, aunts of one parent, great-grandparents) participation of several relatives is required (from 3), the price is for each participant; | 12 days | 4900 грн |
678 | Distant relationship (up to 5 generations) 2 participants; | 60 days | 13900 грн |
96 | Comparison of mtDNA 2 participants; | 40 days | 19900 грн |
14 | Twin DNA test 2 twins; | 5-6 days | 5500 грн |
22 | Additional participant in kinship analysis | 5500 грн | |
715 | Retesting of a non-standard sample in relationship testing for 1 sample (buccal epithelium or non-standard sample); | 7-8 days | 1700 грн |
Relationship DNA testing for court | |||
31 | Pre-court Maternity DNA test mother and child, up to 25 loci; | 15 days | 10900 грн |
25 | Pre-court Grandparentage DNA test up to 40 loci; | 20 days | 15900 грн |
28 | Pre-court DNA test Full-siblingship mother\'s participation is recommended, up to 40 loci; | 20 days | 15900 грн |
29 | Pre-court DNA test Half-siblingship test mother\'s participation is recommended, up to 40 loci; | 20 days | 15900 грн |
30 | Pre-court DNA test Avuncular test, mother participation is recommended, up to 40 loci; | 20 days | 15900 грн |
27 | Pre-court DNA test X-chromosome guaranteed accuracy of 99.9% or 0%; | 20 days | 15900 грн |
26 | Pre-court DNA test Y-chromosome up to 18 loci, male lineage test; | 20 days | 15900 грн |
34 | Сourt Maternity DNA test mother and child, up to 25 loci; | 15 days | 11900 грн |
35 | Сourt DNA test Grandparentage test up to 40 loci; | 20 days | 16900 грн |
36 | Сourt DNA test Full-siblingship test up to 40 loci; | 20 days | 16900 грн |
67 | Сourt DNA test Half-siblingship up to 40 loci; | 20 days | 16900 грн |
72 | Сourt DNA test Avuncular test, mother participation is recommended, up to 40 loci; | 20 days | 16900 грн |
32 | Сourt DNA test X-chromosome guaranteed accuracy 12 loci; | 20 days | 16900 грн |
33 | Сourt DNA test Y-chromosome up to 18 loci, male lineage test; | 20 days | 16900 грн |
726 | Additional featured member (for example, mother for accuracy) in forensic/pretrial kinship test | 2500 грн | |
724 | Additional participant in legal testing | 6500 грн | |
Identification and infidelity testing | |||
20 | Biological stain test infidelity test - sperm; | 3 days | 2900 грн |
195 | Sperm detection field kit | 3200 грн | |
6 | DNA profile 1 participant, up to 25 loci; | 5 days | 2900 грн |
184 | Comparison of 2 DNA Profiles if the sample belongs to the same person as buccal swabs; | 6 days | 5400 грн |
658 | DNA profile extended 1 participant, up to 30-34 loci; | 10 days | 4900 грн |
660 | DNA profile of X-chromosome 1 participant, up to 12 loci of Х-chromosome; | 12 days | 4900 грн |
659 | DNA profile of Y-chromosome 1 participant, up to 18 loci of Y-chromosome; | 12 days | 4500 грн |
661 | DNA profile for mitochondrial DNA 1 participant, mtDNA hypervariable regions 1 and 2; | 50 days | 10900 грн |
Testing of alternative samples | |||
168 | Testing of an alternative samples testing 1 group (nigti, hair, blood, sperm, etc.), additionally to DNA test price, per 1 sample ; | +2 days | 2800 грн |
169 | Testing of a non-standard sample of the 2nd group 2nd group (paraffin blocks, material from corpses, human remains, umbilical cord, abortion material) additionally to DNA test price, per 1 sample ; | +5 days | 3500 грн |
52 | Evaluation of non-standard DNA samples (hair only, blood and semen stains, paraffin blocks) included into test price; | 1 days | 400 грн |
Preparing documents | |||
680 | Preparing of written document electronic/paper version; | 3 days | 300 грн |
728 | Gift Certificate | 0 грн | |
37 | Dublicate/copy of the report electronic/paper version; | 300 грн | |
199 | Dublicate/copy of results with identification electronic/paper version; | 1 days | 600 грн |
172 | Dublicate/copy of the report for Court paper version; | 1 days | 3000 грн |
126 | Identification of tested party checking of ID documents (passport, birth certificate), making photo; | 1100 грн | |
127 | Photo identification photo and including into the report - for analysis for personal use, per 1 participant; | 1300 грн | |
79 | Comparison of DNA profiles and issue of report possible DNA profiles from other laboratories, electronic / paper version; | 3 days | 1500 грн |
170 | Electrophoregram genetic analyzer report, electronic/paper version; | 1 days | 300 грн |
120 | Report issue in English electronic/paper version; | 1000 грн | |
871 | Issue of results in German electronic/paper version; | 1000 грн | |
870 | Issue of results in Italian electronic/paper version; | 1000 грн | |
360 | Issue of results in Chinese elecrtronic/paper results; | 1000 грн | |
1099 | Issue of results in French | 1 days | 1000 грн |
Prenatal genetics | |||
Determining the gender and Rh factor of the fetus | |||
15 | Gender test in early pregnancy from 10 weeks of pregnanсу; | 5 days | 5400 грн |
94 | Gender test from 10 weeks of pregnanсу, for a second test within one pregnancy; | 5 days | 4500 грн |
24 | The urgency of the Gender test | 1 days | 950 грн |
68 | Rh factor of the fetus during pregnancy from 10 weeks of pregnancy of an Rh-negative mother; | 6 days | 12900 грн |
Prenatal screening of genetic diseases | |||
577 | NIPT Illumina Veriseq all chromosomes and fetal sex; | 13 days | 14500 грн |
897 | NIPT Prenatalsafe Complete Plus | 30 days | 54900 грн |
704 | Whole exome sequencing (Germany) Prenatal chorionic villi and blood EDTA of mother; | 30 days | 69900 грн |
NGS sequencing | |||
Whole genome NGS sequencing | |||
949 | Панель Macrocephaly / Overgrowth Syndrome Panel 48 genes; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
702 | Whole Exome Sequencing (USA) WES 20 000 gens, high coverage 154x, mitochondrial genome, deletions and duplications, raw data free; | 60 days | 40900 грн |
291 | Sequencing of the mitochondrial genome (США) 37 mtDNA genes with high sequencing coverage; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
727 | Expansion to Whole Exome from Panel/Single Gene (USA) | 30 days | 32900 грн |
1078 | Whole exome sequencing DUO (USA) | 60 days | 55900 грн |
691 | Whole Sequencing Trio (США) 3 participants (child, father, mother), 20 000 genes + mitochondrial genome, intronic variants, 110x coverage; | 50 days | 72900 грн |
931 | WES re-analysis (USA) | 50 days | 27000 грн |
Single gene NGS sequencing | |||
166 | Single Gene Sequencing over 3900 genes in the list; | 50 days | 22500 грн |
663 | Galactosemia - GALT gene sequencing | 50 days | 23500 грн |
119 | Thomsen and Becker myotonia - sequencing of CLCN1 gene | 50 days | 23500 грн |
800 | HBB gene sequencing sickle cell anemia, beta thalassemia and other hematological diseases; | 50 days | 23500 грн |
843 | Fabry disease - sequencing of GLA gene | 50 days | 23500 грн |
848 | Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 2 gene TPP1 | 50 days | 23500 грн |
822 | Treacher Collins Syndrome TCOF1 gene sequencing; | 50 days | 23500 грн |
778 | Retinoblastoma - RB1 gene sequencing | 50 days | 23500 грн |
838 | Pompe decease - gene GAA | 50 days | 23500 грн |
846 | Diarrhea secretory chloride congenital - sequencing of gene SLC26A3 | 50 days | 23500 грн |
855 | DMD single gene test Becker muscular dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy; | 50 days | 23500 грн |
NGS panels | |||
771 | Panel Metabolic liver failure 16 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
799 | Anemia Panel 88 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
758 | Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Panel 12 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
757 | Hereditary Hemochromatosis Panel 5 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
751 | Dementia panel 58 genes, mitochondrial genome, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
756 | Bartter Syndrome Panel 10 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
750 | Comprehensive Immune and Cytopenia Panel 642 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
760 | Polycystic Kidney Disease Panel 13 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
241 | Hereditary Breast Cancer High Risk Panel 8 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
743 | Panel Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) 30 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
853 | Nephrotic Syndrome Panel 96 genes; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
786 | Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Panel 27 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
742 | Extended panel Muscular dystrophy and myopathy 161 genes, mitochondrial genome, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
862 | Congenital and Familial Lipodystrophy Panel 12 genes, CNV; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
887 | Ectodermal Dysplasia Panel 25 genes; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
748 | Cataract panel 113 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
749 | Monogenic Diabetes Panel 67 genes, mitochondrial genome, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
759 | Cholestasis Panel 52 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
761 | Comprehensive Hematology Panel 270 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
845 | Hyperlipidemia Panel 20 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
746 | Craniosynostosis Panel 38 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
747 | Parkinson Disease Panel 82 genes, mitochondrial genome, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
752 | Lysosomal Disorders and Mucopolysaccharidosis Panel 102 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
755 | Usher Syndrome Panel 21 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
762 | Abnormal Genitalia/ Disorders of Sex Development 73 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
763 | Cleft Lip/Palate and Associated Syndromes Panel 22 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
798 | Aorta Panel 57 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
776 | Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) Osler–Weber–Rendu Panel 6 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
777 | Tuberous Sclerosis Panel 2 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
779 | Brachydactyly / Syndactyly Panel 21 gene, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
780 | Panel Polymicrogyria 20 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
781 | Leukodystrophy and Leukoencephalopathy panel 118 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
782 | Lissencephaly Panel 24 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
783 | Epidermolysis Bullosa Panel 26 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
784 | Osteogenesis Imperfecta Panel 33 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
785 | Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Panel 23 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
787 | Ciliopathy Panel 119 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
801 | Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Panel 92 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
823 | Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) Panel 130 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 35900 грн |
835 | Alport Syndrome Panel 6 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
837 | Dystonia Panel 68 genes, deletions and duplication; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
839 | Glycogen Storage Disorder Panel 29 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
847 | Congenital Diarrhea Panel 29 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
849 | Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Panel 41 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
850 | Leber Congenital Amaurosis Panel 65 genes, mitochondrial genome, deletions and duplications; | 60 days | 31900 грн |
852 | Noonan Syndrome Panel 36 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
854 | hemolytic-uremic syndrome 9 genes; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
856 | Periodic Paralysis Panel 4 genes; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
861 | Spastic Paraplegia Panel 75 genes; | 60 days | 31900 грн |
218 | Pancreatitis Panel 9 genes; | 60 days | 27900 грн |
1079 | Comprehensive Short Stature Syndrome Panel 100 genes; | 60 days | 31900 грн |
313 | Hirschsprung Disease Panel 15 genes; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
574 | Cardiomyopathy panel 217 genes; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
1096 | Albinism Panel 26 genes; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
937 | Flecked Retina Disorders Panel | 50 days | 27900 грн |
877 | Congenital Mono- and Disaccharide Disorders Panel 9 genes; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
797 | Palmoplantar Keratoderma Panel 26 genes; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
888 | Panel Retinitis pigmentosa 159 genes; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
890 | Nemaline Myopathy Panel 13 genes; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
1085 | Kallmann Syndrome Panel 31 gene; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
681 | Congenital Stationary Night Blindness Panel 20 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
1095 | Hypophosphatemic Rickets Panel | 50 days | 27900 грн |
735 | Hereditary Cancer Panel 160 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
112 | Autism Spectrum Disorders Panel 75 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
721 | Neurofibromatosis Panel 9 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
69 | Comprehensive Epilepsy Panel 511 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
718 | Marfan Syndrome Panel 36 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
703 | Offer - Comprehensive Epilepsy Panel 511 genes, deletions and duplications, *for a child 2 - 4 years with definite symptoms; | 50 days | 4900 грн |
736 | Extended panel Skeletal dysplasia and disorders 411 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
77 | Comprehensive Metabolism Panel 505 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
738 | Complex Cardiology Panel 260 genes, mitochondrial genome, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
730 | Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes Panel 9 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
723 | Ataxia Panel 257 genes, mitochondrial genome, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
722 | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Panel 35 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
737 | Retinal Dystrophy Panel 351 genes, mitochondrial genome, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
725 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy panel 153 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
739 | Panel Nephrolithiasis (kidney stone disease) 45 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
876 | Autoinflammatory Syndrome Panel 47 genes; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
916 | Hypothyroidism and Resistance to Thyroid Hormone Panel 22 genes; | 5 days | 27900 грн |
734 | Ichthyosis Panel 39 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 31900 грн |
175 | Panel Hereditary hearing loss and hearing impairment 288 genes, mitochondrial genome, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 36500 грн |
677 | Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) Panel 18 genes, deletions and duplications; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
Additional NGS testing | |||
85 | Raw sequening data | 30 days | 400 грн |
Planning pregnancy | |||
Pregnancy planning | |||
991 | Hereditary tendency to miscarriage | 30 days | 4700 грн |
207 | Folate cycle (folate metabolism) genetics genes: MTHFR 2 polymorphisms (A222V / 677 C>T, E429A / 1298 A>C) , MTR (D919G / 2756 A>G), MTRR 66 A>G; | 6 days | 1100 грн |
116 | Genetic risk for thrombophilia F2, F5, F7, F13, FGB, ITGA2, ITGB3, SERPINE1 (PAI); | 6 days | 2490 грн |
95 | Karyotyping of couple 2 participants (couple); | 15 days | 3700 грн |
125 | Typing for three HLA class II genes (DRB1, DQA1, DQB1) 2 participants; | 17 days | 15900 грн |
198 | Karyotype of couple accelerated 2 persons, accelerated; | 7 days | 5600 грн |
732 | Screening for hereditary diseases / SMA, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, fragile X chromosome syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome; | 30 days | 6900 грн |
842 | Comprehensive Reproductive Screening (USA) 460 genes, participant; | 50 days | 26900 грн |
573 | Comprehensive screening for pregnancy planning DUO (USA) 2 participants; | 50 days | 41900 грн |
89 | Search for AZF microdeletions of the Y-chromosome locus, SRY presence. | 30 days | 1900 грн |
740 | Family Planning Panel (Germany) 1943 genes, 2 participants; | 40 days | 72900 грн |
990 | Hereditary predisposition to endothelial vascular pathology | 30 days | 1600 грн |
986 | Analysis of IVS8-5T mutations and polymorphisms in the CFTR gene in male factor infertility | 30 days | 2900 грн |
989 | DNA diagnostics for women with low ovarian reserve | 30 days | 3900 грн |
988 | DNA diagnostics of hereditary forms of premature ovarian failure | 30 days | 3700 грн |
987 | Package - genetic screening before ICSI - ICSI | 30 days | 3800 грн |
Chromosomal abnormalities | |||
Chromosomal abnormalities | |||
1080 | 31 Microdelecion Syndroms MULTI Аутизм. Стигми дисембріогенезу, вроджені вади. Порушення психомоторного розвитку. MLPA.; | 12 days | 7900 грн |
23 | Karyotyping 1 participant; | 15 days | 2400 грн |
197 | Karyotype accelerated 1 person ускоренный; | 7 days | 3400 грн |
130 | Chromosomal microarray (Germany) Array-CGH, microarray; | 35 days | 35900 грн |
653 | karyotype-prenatal only in Kyiv; | 21 days | 5900 грн |
795 | Detection of the number of copies of the X chromos FISH; | 12 days | 4700 грн |
223 | Oxidative stress | 17 days | 5300 грн |
Genetic deceases testing | |||
Hereditary diseases and syndromes | |||
80 | Sanger mutation confirmation (1 mutation) | 40 days | 8900 грн |
221 | Adrenogenital syndrome mutations of gene CYP21A2; | 30 days | 3300 грн |
863 | Genetic risk of Crohns disease | 8 days | 3200 грн |
1081 | Sotos syndrome microdeletion 5q35.3 by MLPA methode; | 12 days | 6500 грн |
217 | Rett syndrome | 30 days | 3300 грн |
882 | Sanger mutation confirmation (up to 10 mutations) (USA) | 40 days | 14900 грн |
671 | Hereditary motor-sensory neuropathy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) type Ia PMP22; | 30 days | 3200 грн |
878 | Diagnostics of Beckwith-Wiedemann-syndrome MLPA method; | 12 days | 6800 грн |
898 | Duchenne muscular dystrophy -DMD dystrophin gene 1-79 exons | 14 days | 9900 грн |
1088 | Analysis of repeats in C9orf72 | 40 days | 13500 грн |
186 | Diagnostics of spinal muscular amyotrophy (SMA). Duplication of SMN1 and SMN2 genes NAIP exon 5, SMN1_exon7, SMN1_exon8, SMN2 exon 7, SMN2 exon 8; | 12 days | 4950 грн |
934 | Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy type 1 FSHD1 D4Z4 repeats in DUX4; | 45 days | 36900 грн |
985 | DNA analysis of X-chromosome inactivation | 30 days | 2900 грн |
281 | Fragile X syndrome: determination of the number of CGG repeats (Martin-Bell syndrome) for male patients with clinical signs of the disease; | 30 days | 4900 грн |
131 | Fragile X syndrome: determination of the number of CGG repeats (Martin-Bell syndrome) for relatives of a patient with fragile X syndrome, as well as when screening healthy women by a heterozygous mutation carrier; | 30 days | 5200 грн |
293 | Spinal Muscular atrophy (SMA) deletions of the 7th exon of the SMN1 gene (heterozygous carriage); for planning pregnancy in healthy individuals, identifying carriers of SMA; | 30 days | 2900 грн |
294 | Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) determination of homozygous deletions of the 7th and 8th exons of the SMN1 and SMN2 genes, the 5th exon of the NAIP gene; for patients with SMA and their parents to confirm the diagnosis; | 30 days | 3900 грн |
204 | Phenylketonuria PAH gene 2 polymorphisms: R261Q, R408W; | 8 days | 1150 грн |
252 | Phenylketonuria 11 PAH Mutations: R408W and others; | 30 days | 2900 грн |
205 | Cystic Fibrosis CFTR gene: 15 polymorphisms; | 30 days | 3200 грн |
793 | Cystic fibrosis gene CFTR: 32 polymorphisms; | 17 days | 5200 грн |
237 | Sensorineural hearing loss GJB2 gene (4 polymorphisms); | 6 days | 1900 грн |
135 | Galactosemia - looking for common mutations in the GALT gene galactose malabsorption, Duarte variant; | 12 days | 3100 грн |
189 | Duchenne muscular dystrophy for boys diagnosed with DMD - analysis of deletions of 19 exons in the dystrophin gene DMD; | 30 days | 3500 грн |
74 | Duchenne muscular dystrophy - determination of heterozygous carrier in relatives of the patient's mother (linkage analysis of mutant variants of the DMD dystrophin gene) only if DNA (blood) from a DMD patient is present; | 30 days | 3900 грн |
789 | Achondroplasia frequent mutations of the FGFR3 gene; | 10 days | 2900 грн |
790 | Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). Periodic disease. mutations of gene MEFV; | 10 days | 3200 грн |
194 | Silver-Russell syndrome | 15 days | 6900 грн |
745 | Prader-Willi syndrome | 30 days | 3200 грн |
164 | Angelman syndrome | 30 days | 3200 грн |
297 | DNA diagnostics of hemophilia A | 30 days | 3500 грн |
432 | DiGeorge syndrome FISH; | 15 days | 4400 грн |
744 | Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome | 15 days | 4400 грн |
754 | Kallman syndrome | 15 days | 4400 грн |
788 | Cri du Chat syndrome | 15 days | 7400 грн |
796 | Smith-Magenis syndrome detetion of microdeletions 17p11.2 ; | 15 days | 6900 грн |
794 | Williams syndrome (Williams-Boyren) method FISH; | 14 days | 4400 грн |
87 | Huntington decease (HTT gene) CAG repeats in the HTT gene; | 30 days | 4400 грн |
840 | Fragile X syndrome: determination of the number of CGG repeats (Martin-Bell syndrome) CAG repeats in the HTT gene, CTG repeats in the JPH3 gene; | 40 days | 15500 грн |
203 | Analysis of the number of CAG repeats in the androgen receptor (AR) gene | 20 days | 6300 грн |
192 | Friedreich's Ataxia FXN gene GAA-repeats (Германия); | 40 days | 10900 грн |
290 | Spinocerebellar Ataxia (Germany) repeat analysis SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA6, SCA7, SCA17; | 40 days | 31900 грн |
875 | Williams syndrome (Williams-Boyren) deletions in region 7q11 by MLPA method; | 14 days | 5900 грн |
146 | Friedreich's ataxia with the participation of both parents (included in the price); | 30 days | 3500 грн |
298 | Diagnostics of hemophilia B | 12 days | 8900 грн |
Screening for genetic diseases | |||
841 | Comprehensive Proactive Screen (USA) 181 genes; | 50 days | 27900 грн |
868 | Mucopolysaccharides in urine | 15 days | 1650 грн |
56 | Extended screening of newborns 53 genetic diseases; | 15 days | 5900 грн |
709 | Acylcarnitine profile TMS (Germany) | 20 days | 6800 грн |
710 | Amino acids in the blood - 39 indicators TMS (Germany) | 20 days | 5100 грн |
688 | Urine amino acids - 36 amino acids (Germany) | 25 days | 5100 грн |
607 | Organic urine acids (Germany) | 20 days | 5600 грн |
Genetic Predispositions | |||
792 | HLA B-7 | 5 days | 1200 грн |
830 | Epilepsy treatment prognosis (CYP2C9 2 polymorphisms, CYP2C19 2 polymorphisms, CYP3A4) | 8 days | 2900 грн |
811 | COMT (27009G>A), polymorphism in the catechol-O-amine transferase gene | 6 days | 890 грн |
880 | NOS3 (-786C>T), a polymorphism in the nitric oxide synthase 3 gene | 6 days | 990 грн |
879 | VEGFA (634C>G), a polymorphism in the vascular endothelial growth factor gene | 6 days | 890 грн |
904 | Psychogenetics and the risk of developing addictions (CYP2E1, ADH1B, ALDH2, DBH, COMT, HTR2A) | 6 days | 2400 грн |
264 | Sport genetics | 6 days | 2500 грн |
825 | Sensitivity to antidepressants (CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*3) | 6 days | 1500 грн |
908 | Personalized genetic screening Youth and longevity | 6 days | 2200 грн |
909 | Disorders of lipid metabolism | 6 days | 2200 грн |
910 | Genetic screening for susceptibility to oncological diseases | 6 days | 2400 грн |
914 | HLA-DR4 | 19 days | 10600 грн |
915 | HLA-DR3 | 25 days | 9500 грн |
76 | Gilbert's syndrome molecular genetic analysis of the promoter region of the UGT1A1 gene; | 8 days | 1300 грн |
225 | Genes of detoxification Genes of the first phase of detoxification CYP1A1, CYP1A1*2С, CYP1A2, CYP2B6, CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*3, CYP2C9*2, CYP2C9*3, CYP2D6, CYP2D6, CYP3A4*1A/1B, ADH1B, ALDH2; | 6 days | 5600 грн |
832 | Genes of detoxification Genes of the second phase of detoxification GSTP1 2 polymorphisms, NAT2 4 polymorphisms, SOD1, SOD2; | 6 days | 3950 грн |
165 | Hemochromatosis Type I HFE gene 2 polymorphisms: H63D, C282Y; | 30 days | 1500 грн |
201 | Lactase deficiency (lactose intolerance) ген LCT (c.-13910C>T); | 3 days | 590 грн |
229 | Vitamin D receptor gene VDR gene; | 8 days | 800 грн |
240 | Caffeine intolerance CYP1A2, polymorphism in the cytochrome P450 gene; | 8 days | 880 грн |
228 | Gluten intolerance (celiac disease) gene HLA DQ2/DQ8; | 8 days | 1900 грн |
235 | Risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus genes PPARG, IL6; | 6 days | 1300 грн |
242 | Risk of developing prostate cancer BRCA1 3 polymorphisms, BRCA2 1 polymorphism; | 8 days | 1900 грн |
129 | Risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer (BRCA1, BRCA2 genes) | 6 days | 2500 грн |
91 | Risk of developing Alzheimer ApoE E2/E3/E4 gene; | 6 days | 1950 грн |
200 | Genetic risk of developing Wilson-Konovalov disease ATP7B gene, 2 polymorphisms; | 6 days | 1700 грн |
216 | HLA-B27 antigen (autoimmune diseases, rheumatology) Polymorphism in the human leukocyte antigen gene; | 4 days | 790 грн |
230 | Genetic Risk for Osteoporosis genes LCT, VDR, COL1A1; | 8 days | 1500 грн |
236 | Genetic Risk of cardio-vascular deceases genes ACE, NOS3, AGT, PON1, IL10, IL4, MTHFR, SERPINE1, ITGA2, ITGB3, F2, F5, F7, FGB genes; | 8 days | 5900 грн |
232 | Leptin receptor gene LEPR gene; | 8 days | 790 грн |
233 | Serotonin 2A receptor gene gene HTR2A; | 8 days | 790 грн |
234 | Risk development of obesity genes PPARG, PPARGC1B, FTO; | 8 days | 1750 грн |
248 | Risk of development of atopic dermatitis and ichthyosis FLG R501X, FLG 2282delCAGT ; | 8 days | 1200 грн |
249 | Risk of pancreatitis developing gene PRSS1; | 8 days | 800 грн |
244 | Pharmacogenetics - Warfarin (CYP2C9*2/*3, VCORC1); | 5 days | 1800 грн |
247 | Pharmacogenetics - Tacrolimus CYP3A5*3; | 8 days | 1090 грн |
243 | Genetic marker one polymorphism from the list; | 8 days | 890 грн |
245 | Pharmacogenetics - Clopidogrel CYP2C19*2/*3; | 5 days | 1700 грн |
478 | Genetics of hypertension PON1 (575A>G), ACE, AGT (521C>T),AGT (704T>C), AGTR1; | 6 days | 2500 грн |
829 | IL6 (174C>G), поліморфізм у гені інтерлейкіна 6 | 6 days | 890 грн |
Personal genetics | |||
DNA Tests for Family Tree DNA Lineage | |||
13 | Family Finder - Autosomal ancestry test and search for relatives Nationality test - 90 populations, Y-haplogroup, search for relatives; | 60 days | 7300 грн |
654 | Jewish DNA analysis certificate of the presence of Jewish DNA in the genome, search for relatives, Personal account on the laboratory website, Brief pdf report, Possibility to purchase a gift certificate; | 60 days | 7900 грн |
10 | Y-chromosomal genealogy test YDNA 37 Y-chromosome markers - Personal account on the laboratory website, Brief pdf report, Possibility to purchase a gift certificate; | 90 days | 7500 грн |
107 | Y-chromosomal genealogy test YDNA111 111 Y-chromosome markers, Personal account on the laboratory website, Brief report in pdf format, Possibility to purchase a gift certificate; | 90 days | 11500 грн |
137 | Y-chromosomal genealogy test Big Y-700 for male only; | 90 days | 18900 грн |
23andMe DNA Tests | |||
193 | Health and ancestry + Traits 23andMe (USA) | 60 days | 18900 грн |
995 | Reordering the 23andMe kit (in case there is not enough material) | 30 days | 4000 грн |
Healthy way of life | |||
901 | Genetic nutrition profile printed book; | 8 days | 4900 грн |
1102 | Printed book to genetic nutrition profile | 0 days | 300 грн |
690 | Measuring Telomere Length | 10 days | 2500 грн |
767 | Report Health additional report for the Family Finder test (USA), 23 and Me (USA); | 3 days | 2900 грн |
765 | Report Nutriton additional report for the Family Finder test (USA); | 3 days | 2500 грн |
652 | Diet genetics lactose, gluten, folates, calcium, tendency to obesity; | 13 days | 3950 грн |
775 | Report Traits und Personality additional report for the Family Finder test (USA); | 3 days | 1600 грн |
766 | Report Fitness additional report for the Family Finder test (USA); | 3 days | 1600 грн |
768 | Report Allergy additional report for the Family Finder test (USA); | 3 days | 2900 грн |
769 | Report Skin additional report for the Family Finder test (USA); | 3 days | 1600 грн |
773 | Report MTHFR and methylation additional report for the Family Finder test (USA); | 3 days | 1600 грн |
774 | Pharmacogenetics report additional report for the Family Finder test (USA); | 3 days | 2900 грн |
Oncogenetics | |||
187 | Determination of JAK2 V617F (exon 14), qualitatively by the PCR method | 8 days | 1800 грн |
993 | JAK2 exon 12 (qualitative) | 9 days | 3200 грн |
1090 | Tumor M2-PK | 17 days | 2590 грн |
81 | Analysis of the mutations in the BRAF gene | 9 days | 4900 грн |
911 | BCR/ABL (diagnosis of translocation t(9;22)(q34;q11.2)), p210. PLR (qualitative) | 7 days | 5100 грн |
912 | BCR/ABL (diagnosis of translocation t(9;22)(q34;q11.2)), p210. Quantitative PCR | 7 days | 5900 грн |
994 | Diagnosis of JAK2 V617F-negative myeloproliferative disease CALR 1 type, CALR 2 type, JAK2, S505N, W515A, W515K, W515L, W515R; | 12 days | 10300 грн |
61 | Quantitative determination of L611V and V617F in gene JAK2, exon 14 Myeloproliferative diseases; | 8 days | 2800 грн |
Clinical tests | |||
Hematology panel | |||
927 | Blood clotting factor VIII | 11 days | 2200 грн |
926 | Blood clotting factor IX | 11 days | 2200 грн |
282 | General detailed analysis of venous blood with ESR and leukocyte blood count | 1 days | 170 грн |
380 | Coagulogram | 1 days | 250 грн |
381 | Blood test for LE cells | 3 days | 170 грн |
382 | Immune antibodies to red blood cells according to the Rhesus system | 2 days | 290 грн |
383 | Hemolysins (immune antibodies according to the ABO system: complete and incomplete) | 1 days | 200 грн |
227 | Blood type and Rh factor (ABO + Rh) | 1 days | 190 грн |
385 | Prothrombin test (Quick prothrombin index, prothrombin time, INR) | 1 days | 160 грн |
386 | Fibrinogen (Fib) | 1 days | 110 грн |
387 | Activated partial thromboplastic time (APTT) | 1 days | 110 грн |
389 | D-dimer | 1 days | 250 грн |
388 | Volchanochny anticoagulant | 1 days | 290 грн |
390 | Direct Coombs test | 1 days | 220 грн |
391 | Indirect Coombs test | 1 days | 220 грн |
392 | Blood test for reticulocytes with calculation of the reticular index | 1 days | 170 грн |
431 | Protein S free | 15 days | 1950 грн |
572 | Антитромбін III | 10 days | 850 грн |
571 | Protein C | 15 days | 3300 грн |
885 | Фактор V згортання крові проакцелерин | 12 days | 1950 грн |
Thyroid panel | |||
308 | Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) | 1 days | 180 грн |
309 | T4 free (FT4) | 1 days | 180 грн |
310 | T3 general (T3) | 1 days | 180 грн |
299 | Antithyroglobulin antibodies (ATTG) | 1 days | 180 грн |
300 | Antimicrosomal antibodies (AMC) | 3 days | 240 грн |
301 | Thyroglobulin (TG) | 1 days | 180 грн |
302 | Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (ATPO) | 1 days | 180 грн |
303 | Calcitonin | 1 days | 320 грн |
304 | Parathyroid hormone (i-PTH) | 1 days | 180 грн |
305 | T3 free (FT3) | 1 days | 180 грн |
306 | T4 general (T4) | 1 days | 180 грн |
307 | Antibodies to the TSH receptor (R-TSH) | 3 days | 450 грн |
311 | Thyroid complex (TSH, free T3, free T4) | 1 days | 450 грн |
312 | Monitoring the status of the thyroid gland: TSH, T3 free, T4 free, ATPO, ATTG | 1 days | 750 грн |
Биохимические исследования | |||
426 | Zinc | 3 days | 420 грн |
940 | Myositis profile (Auto-AT) | 14 days | 1500 грн |
945 | Angiotensin-1 converting enzyme | 16 days | 1350 грн |
947 | Hepato/nephrology panel, antibody differential, (AMA M2,Sp 100, Gp 210, LC 1, LKM 1, CENP-B, GBN, PR3 (c-ANCA), MPO (h ANCA), SLA/Lp ), quantitative definition; Western blot method | 5 days | 1550 грн |
948 | Musculoskeletal panel, differential detection of antibodies, (MI-2, PM/Scl-100, Jo-1, SRP54, Pl-7, Pl-12, Ku), quantitative determination; Western blot method | 5 days | 1450 грн |
753 | Aldolase | 10 days | 580 грн |
338 | Lamotrigin | 8 days | 1500 грн |
872 | Phenylalanine | 20 days | 1400 грн |
900 | Serum calprotectin | 14 days | 3500 грн |
1091 | Зонулін в сироватці крові | 10 days | 2900 грн |
913 | Copper | 3 days | 320 грн |
1094 | Biotinidase activity | 45 days | 4950 грн |
932 | Copeptin - marker for vasopressin | 19 days | 2800 грн |
933 | Osmolality in sirovatsi | 9 days | 490 грн |
998 | Omega Fatty Acids Profile | 28 days | 1950 грн |
215 | Lipoprotein (a), quantitative determination | 2 days | 490 грн |
1001 | Омега-3 index | 14 days | 3500 грн |
270 | Bilirubin total, direct, indirect | 1 days | 150 грн |
273 | Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) | 1 days | 99 грн |
274 | Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) | 1 days | 99 грн |
418 | Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) | 1 days | 110 грн |
271 | Creatinine | 1 days | 110 грн |
272 | Urea | 1 days | 110 грн |
269 | Total protein | 1 days | 110 грн |
393 | Pancreatic amylase | 1 days | 120 грн |
254 | Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) | 1 days | 110 грн |
394 | g-Glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) | 1 days | 110 грн |
322 | Thymol test | 3 days | 190 грн |
396 | Alpha amylase | 1 days | 99 грн |
397 | Uric acid | 1 days | 99 грн |
398 | Albumin | 1 days | 99 грн |
399 | Protein fractions | 5 days | 310 грн |
400 | Creatine phosphokinase (CK) | 1 days | 110 грн |
401 | Ceruloplasmin (copper oxidase) | 3 days | 310 грн |
411 | Lipase | 1 days | 180 грн |
402 | Potassium (K+) | 1 days | 150 грн |
403 | Sodium (Na+) | 1 days | 150 грн |
404 | Calcium | 1 days | 150 грн |
427 | Complex Lipidogram (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, VLDL, atherogenic coefficient) lipid metabolism; | 1 days | 320 грн |
409 | Apolipoprotein-A (Apo-A) | 1 days | 210 грн |
410 | Apolipoprotein-B (Apo-B) | 1 days | 210 грн |
719 | Профіль метилювання біохімічний - 10 indicators (Німеччина) | 25 days | 6900 грн |
261 | Adrenaline in the blood (Germany) | 15 days | 1200 грн |
262 | Lactate | 2 days | 280 грн |
405 | Phosphorus inorganic (P) | 1 days | 120 грн |
406 | Chlorine (Cl-) | 3 days | 120 грн |
407 | Triglycerides | 1 days | 120 грн |
408 | Cholesterol (CS) | 1 days | 120 грн |
413 | Ionized calcium (Ca++) | 2 days | 170 грн |
414 | Magnesium (Mg) | 1 days | 120 грн |
415 | Urea nitrogen | 2 days | 110 грн |
420 | Blood pH | 1 days | 120 грн |
421 | Valproic acid (anticonvulsant) | 1 days | 390 грн |
429 | Complex “Liver tests” (total bilirubin, direct, indirect, total protein, ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, GGTP) | 1 days | 320 грн |
430 | Complex “Kidney tests” No. 1 (creatinine, urea, uric acid, albumin) | 1 days | 180 грн |
627 | TNF-alfa tumor necrotic factor - tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) | 17 days | 2200 грн |
619 | Serotonin / 5-OH-Tryptamin (Germany) | 18 days | 3900 грн |
645 | Ammonia in plasma | 3 days | 490 грн |
635 | Coenzyme Q10 (Germany) | 10 days | 2200 грн |
631 | Pyruvate (Germany) | 15 days | 1400 грн |
620 | Dopamine (Germany) | 15 days | 1950 грн |
644 | Serum iodine (Germany) | 20 days | 3900 грн |
646 | Cystatin C | 3 days | 430 грн |
705 | Casein, IgG | 18 days | 1400 грн |
720 | Lactate-Pyruvate ratio (Germany) | 20 days | 2850 грн |
851 | Norepinephrine in blood (Germany) | 20 days | 1600 грн |
874 | Phospho-Tau-Protein and Beta-amiloid-ratio Alzheimer decease; | 18 days | 8600 грн |
Diabetes panel | |||
276 | Glucose (venous blood) | 1 days | 140 грн |
280 | Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) | 1 days | 180 грн |
422 | Insulin | 1 days | 180 грн |
423 | Fructosamine | 3 days | 290 грн |
424 | C-peptide (C-Pep) | 1 days | 160 грн |
425 | Leptin | 3 days | 450 грн |
283 | NOMA index | 1 days | 210 грн |
266 | Glucose tolerance test | 1 days | 150 грн |
952 | IgM antibodies to the causative agent of Lyme disease (borreliosis, Borrelia Burgdorferi) | 3 days | 250 грн |
921 | Antibodies IgM to chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis IgM) | 2 days | 190 грн |
500 | 3 days | 190 грн | |
503 | 3 days | 190 грн | |
506 | IgM antibodies to measles virus (Measles viruses) | 3 days | 260 грн |
512 | 4 days | 180 грн | |
513 | 4 days | 180 грн | |
518 | PCR. Determination of DNA of parvovirus B19 (Parvovirus B19) | 5 days | 470 грн |
522 | 3 days | 290 грн | |
526 | Complex Lamblia Giardia IgA, M, G, Opisthorchis felineus IgG, Trichinella spiralis IgA, M, G, Echinococcus granulosus IgA, M, G, Ascaris lumbricoides IgG, Toxocara canis IgG, Borrelia burgdorferi IgG, Цистицерк IgG, Toxoplasma gondii IgG, Entamoeba histolytica IgG.; | 4 days | 3450 грн |
920 | IgG antibodies to chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis IgG) | 2 days | 190 грн |
1101 | The causative agents of pertussis of 7 species (Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, Haemo | 2 days | 1499 грн |
1084 | Varicella-zoster virus PCR / Herpes virus type 3 (HHV3) / Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV-PCR) | 19 days | 5500 грн |
899 | Herpes virus VIII type 8 (HHV8), qualitative determination of DNA by PCR | 4 days | 790 грн |
923 | Enterovirus, qualitative determination of RNA by PCR | 5 days | 590 грн |
917 | Determination of HHV6 herpes virus DNA (qualitative) | 3 days | 190 грн |
922 | Antibodies IgA to chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis IgA) | 2 days | 190 грн |
1097 | 14 days | 1100 грн | |
929 | 10 days | 5800 грн | |
953 | IgG antibodies to the causative agent of Lyme disease (borreliosis, Borrelia Burgdorferi) | 3 days | 250 грн |
954 | Borrelia DNA determination (Borrelia Burgdorferi) | 3 days | 350 грн |
956 | Borrelia IgM Immunoblot (Borrelia Burgdorferi, confirmatory test) | 3 days | 750 грн |
955 | Borrelia IgG Immunoblot (Borrelia Burgdorferi, confirmatory test) | 3 days | 750 грн |
983 | Influenza virus A/B, qualitative determination of RNA with differentiation of types by the PCR method | 1 days | 750 грн |
984 | SARS: Respiratory Syncytial virus, Metapneumovirus, Coronavirus, Rhinovirus, Adenovirus B, C, E, Bocavirus, Parainfluenza virus 1, 2, 3, 4, qualitative determination by PCR | 1 days | 750 грн |
1093 | Lymphocyte profile in chronic borreliosis (CD57) | 18 days | 6900 грн |
Osteoporosis panel | |||
361 | Osteocalcin | 4 days | 220 грн |
362 | Deoxypyridinoline in urine (Pyrilinx D) | 4 days | 360 грн |
363 | Procalcitonin (PCL) | 3 days | 400 грн |
844 | Beta-Cross Laps | 3 days | 870 грн |
147 | Interleukin 6 (IL6) | 2 days | 690 грн |
Urine testing | |||
296 | General urinalysis (GUA) | 2 days | 140 грн |
579 | 2 days | 220 грн | |
580 | 1 days | 230 грн | |
583 | Creatinine in urine | 1 days | 90 грн |
588 | Calcium in urine | 1 days | 90 грн |
591 | Urine ketone test | 2 days | 110 грн |
598 | Drugs in urine (10 indicators) | 1 days | 500 грн |
828 | Oxalates in daily urine (Germany) | 18 days | 1400 грн |
495 | Total antibodies to syphilis (Treponema Pallidum) | 1 days | 150 грн |
496 | 4 days | 180 грн | |
497 | 4 days | 180 грн | |
Reproductive panel | |||
320 | Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) | 3 days | 390 грн |
325 | Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) | 1 days | 190 грн |
326 | Luteinizing hormone (LH) | 1 days | 190 грн |
327 | Prolactin (PRL) | 1 days | 190 грн |
328 | Estradiol (E2) | 1 days | 190 грн |
329 | Progesterone (PRG) | 1 days | 190 грн |
314 | Total testosterone (TST) | 1 days | 190 грн |
315 | Testosterone free (TES free) | 3 days | 210 грн |
316 | Sex hormone binding globulin | 1 days | 220 грн |
317 | 17-oxyprogesterone (17-ONPRG) | 3 days | 220 грн |
791 | Pregnenolone (Germany) | 19 days | 1950 грн |
318 | Androstenedione | 1 days | 330 грн |
321 | Dihydrotestosterone | 3 days | 370 грн |
323 | Inhibin B (ING B) | 6 days | 690 грн |
324 | Macroprolactin | 1 days | 390 грн |
428 | Profile of Estronex/Estronex (estrogen metabolites in urine) | 18 days | 3990 грн |
285 | Dehydropiandrosterone sulfate (DHA-S) | 1 days | 180 грн |
1098 | Microbiological examination of material from the throat | 7 days | 290 грн |
810 | Microbiological examination of feces for dysbacteriosis with sensitivity to antibacterial drugs | 7 days | 290 грн |
951 | Microbiological examination of blood for sterility | 7 days | 550 грн |
Anemia and vitamins panel | |||
376 | Iron | 1 days | 140 грн |
377 | Total iron-binding capacity of blood serum | 2 days | 170 грн |
378 | Transferrin | 1 days | 180 грн |
259 | Ferritin | 1 days | 210 грн |
257 | Folic acid (Vitamin B9) | 1 days | 290 грн |
256 | Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) | 1 days | 210 грн |
379 | Transferrin iron saturation | 1 days | 210 грн |
364 | Vitamin D (25-OH Vitamin D3) | 2 days | 440 грн |
711 | Package B Vitamins - 7 vitamins (Germany) | 20 days | 7700 грн |
693 | Vitamin A, retinol (Germany) | 15 days | 1600 грн |
614 | Vitamin B6 (Germany) | 12 days | 2190 грн |
263 | Vitamin C, ascorbic acid (Germany) | 15 days | 3200 грн |
618 | Vitamin B2, riboflavin (Germany) | 12 days | 2050 грн |
869 | Vitamin K - K1,K2/MK-4/,K2/MK-7 | 20 days | 2300 грн |
632 | Vitamin B1, thiamine (Germany) | 12 days | 2150 грн |
643 | Vitamin E, tocopherol (Germany) | 15 days | 1600 грн |
633 | Nicotinamide, vitamin PP, group B3 (Germany) | 20 days | 3550 грн |
827 | Holotranscobalamin, vitamin B12 is active (Germany) | 15 days | 1900 грн |
634 | Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid (Germany) | 15 days | 3400 грн |
1103 | Erythropoietin | 3 days | 490 грн |
Heavy metals and trace elements | |||
802 | Heavy metals: cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic, zinc, copper | 16 days | 3900 грн |
803 | Main trace elements: zinc, copper, iron, manganese | 16 days | 2900 грн |
804 | Microelements for healthy hair, nails, skin: manganese, chromium, zinc, copper, selenium, iron, molybdenum | 16 days | 4450 грн |
805 | Detox. Toxic elements: zinc, cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, chromium, nickel | 16 days | 4950 грн |
808 | Mercury | 16 days | 1100 грн |
807 | Plumbum | 16 days | 1100 грн |
809 | Arsenic | 16 days | 1100 грн |
816 | Strontium | 16 days | 1100 грн |
818 | Thallium | 16 days | 1100 грн |
821 | Nickel | 16 days | 1100 грн |
813 | Tin | 16 days | 1100 грн |
612 | Zinc | 16 days | 1100 грн |
395 | Selenium | 16 days | 1100 грн |
826 | Molybdenum | 16 days | 1100 грн |
815 | Aluminum | 16 days | 1100 грн |
817 | Chromium | 16 days | 1100 грн |
819 | Antimony | 16 days | 1100 грн |
820 | Cobalt | 16 days | 1100 грн |
806 | Cadmium | 16 days | 1100 грн |
812 | Manganese | 16 days | 1100 грн |
814 | Lithium | 16 days | 1100 грн |
694 | Cupper | 16 days | 1100 грн |
Prenatal diagnostics panel | |||
332 | Pregnancy associated protein - A (PAPPA) (8-14 weeks pregnant); | 1 days | 190 грн |
333 | Unconjugated estriol (UE 3) (pregnant 15-40 weeks); | 1 days | 190 грн |
277 | Beta-chorionic gonadotropin (B-hCG free) to diagnose pregnancy; | 1 days | 190 грн |
334 | Free beta hCG (FBC) (only for pregnant women 8-14 weeks); | 1 days | 190 грн |
335 | Placental Lactogen (HPL) (pregnant 15-40 weeks); | 3 days | 330 грн |
337 | Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) (pregnant 15-40 weeks); | 1 days | 190 грн |
336 | Placental growth factor (PIGF) (8-15 weeks pregnant); | 3 days | 590 грн |
Immunology panel | |||
865 | Antibodies to neuronal antigens АНТИ-RI/ANNA-2; АНТИ-YO/PCA-1; АНТИ-HU/ANNA-1; | 10 days | 4900 грн |
527 | Circulating immune complexes (CICs) | 3 days | 110 грн |
528 | Immunogram | 10 days | 590 грн |
529 | Serum immunoglobulin A content | 3 days | 190 грн |
530 | Serum immunoglobulin M content | 1 days | 190 грн |
531 | Serum immunoglobulin G content | 1 days | 190 грн |
532 | Secretory immunoglobulin A content | 2 days | 350 грн |
534 | Antibodies to 1-stranded DNA (ADNA 1) | 4 days | 320 грн |
535 | Antibodies to double-stranded DNA (ADNA 2) | 3 days | 360 грн |
536 | Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) | 3 days | 240 грн |
537 | Antiphospholipid Ig G antibodies (APHL Ig G) | 3 days | 280 грн |
538 | Antiphospholipid Ig G antibodies (APHL Ig G) | 3 days | 280 грн |
542 | IgG antibodies to cardiolipin | 3 days | 280 грн |
543 | IgM antibodies to cardiolipin | 3 days | 280 грн |
544 | IgA antibodies to tissue transglutaminase (celiac disease) | 3 days | 220 грн |
545 | IgG antibodies to tissue transglutaminase (celiac disease) | 3 days | 220 грн |
546 | Extracted antinuclear antibodies: Anti-ENA screening | 3 days | 280 грн |
547 | Screening for connective tissue diseases (antinuclear antibodies to antigens) | 3 days | 280 грн |
548 | IgG antibodies to beta-2-glycoprotein I | 3 days | 360 грн |
549 | IgM antibodies to beta-2-glycoprotein I | 3 days | 280 грн |
625 | Complex immunological study | 5 days | 1650 грн |
905 | IgA antibodies to endomysium (Germany) | 20 days | 2200 грн |
650 | Complement C4 | 4 days | 490 грн |
698 | Antibodies to mitochondria / AMA-M2 | 3 days | 280 грн |
649 | Complement C3; | 4 days | 490 грн |
946 | Autoimmune panel STD-X (Ro/SS-A 52, La/ss-B, CENP-B, Scl-70, dsDNA, Jo-1, MPO, PR3, AMA M2, LC 1, LKM 1, PM/Scl 100, SRP 54, Sp 100 gp 210, Ku, Sm U1-sn RNP) quantative Western blot method | 5 days | 1750 грн |
857 | Immunoglobulin IgG (Subclass 1) | 14 days | 3600 грн |
858 | Immunoglobulin IgG (Subclass 2) | 14 days | 3600 грн |
859 | Immunoglobulin IgG (Subclass 3) | 14 days | 3600 грн |
860 | Immunoglobulin IgG (Subclass 4) | 14 days | 3600 грн |
866 | FRAT folate receptor antibody test | 60 days | 19900 грн |
867 | Antibodies to the NMDA receptor | 19 days | 1490 грн |
906 | IgG antibodies to endomysium (Germany) | 20 days | 2300 грн |
540 | IgG antibodies to gliadin | 3 days | 320 грн |
541 | IgA antibodies to gliadin | 3 days | 320 грн |
Oncology panel | |||
340 | Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) antigen | 2 days | 490 грн |
341 | Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) | 1 days | 180 грн |
342 | Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) | 1 days | 180 грн |
343 | Prostate-specific antigen total (PSA total) | 1 days | 180 грн |
344 | Prostate-specific antigen free (PSA free) | 1 days | 180 грн |
345 | Stomach tumor marker (CA 72-4) | 2 days | 390 грн |
346 | Pancreatic tumor marker (CA 19-9) | 1 days | 180 грн |
347 | Breast tumor marker (CA 15-3) | 1 days | 190 грн |
348 | Ovarian tumor marker (CA 125) | 1 days | 180 грн |
349 | Tumor marker CYFRA CA 21-1 (cytokeratin 19 fragment) | 2 days | 290 грн |
268 | Tumor marker NSE-neuron-specific enolase (tumors of neuroendocrine origin) | 2 days | 390 грн |
350 | Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) | 1 days | 210 грн |
351 | Ovarian cancer tumor marker (HE-4) | 2 days | 180 грн |
352 | Gastrointestinal tumor marker (CA 242) | 3 days | 430 грн |
353 | Complex Index ROMA (HE4, CA-125, index ROMA) | 2 days | 490 грн |
267 | Protein S100 | 10 days | 1700 грн |
Allergy and Intolerance | |||
554 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
555 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
556 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
557 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
558 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
559 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
565 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
560 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
561 | Ig E to egg yolk allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
562 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
563 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
616 | Histamine | 18 days | 2600 грн |
648 | Tryptase | 15 days | 1590 грн |
564 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
566 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
567 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
568 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
569 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
570 | 3 days | 250 грн | |
982 | Allergoprobe for the anesthetic Procaine (novocaine) qualitative determination, ALFA Rapid test | 3 days | 250 грн |
981 | Allergoprobe for the anesthetic Lidocaine, (xylocaine), qualitative determination, ALFA Rapid tests | 3 days | 250 грн |
980 | Allergoprobe for the anesthetic Articaine, qualitative determination, ALFA Rapid test | 3 days | 250 грн |
979 | Ig E to Alternaria alternate mold | 3 days | 250 грн |
978 | Ig E to soybeans | 3 days | 250 грн |
977 | Ig E to salmon | 3 days | 250 грн |
976 | IgE to yeast-like fungus (Candida albicans) | 3 days | 250 грн |
975 | Ig E to chocolate allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
974 | Ig E to cockroach allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
973 | Ig E to Ascaris allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
971 | IgE to hamster | 3 days | 250 грн |
970 | Ig E to banana allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
969 | Ig E to apple allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
968 | Ig E to potato allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
967 | Ig E to chicken meat allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
966 | Ig E to tomato allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
965 | Ig E to cod allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
964 | Ig E to shrimps allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
963 | Ig E to peanut allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
962 | Ig E to rice allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
961 | Ig E to oatmeal allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
960 | Ig E to barley flour allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
959 | Ig E to wheat flour allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
958 | Ig E to egg white allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
957 | Ig E to egg yolk allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
278 | Total immunoglobulin IgE (allergy marker) | 1 days | 210 грн |
647 | Eosinophilic cationic protein | 1 days | 390 грн |
666 | Food Intolerance Алерго-скрін® Basics (IgG) - Basic Profile (Germany) determination of IgG to 87 products (with nutritional recommendations); | 20 days | 9300 грн |
667 | Food intolerance Алерго-скрін® Premium (IgG) - premium profile (Germany) determination of IgG to 261 products (with nutritional recommendations); | 20 days | 15900 грн |
615 | Diamine oxidase (DAO) histamine intolerance DAO; | 6 days | 1100 грн |
12 | Allergy test Alex2 295 allergenes; | 5 days | 5690 грн |
550 | 2 days | 990 грн | |
551 | 2 days | 990 грн | |
552 | Food allergy panel | 2 days | 990 грн |
553 | Panel Food allergens | 2 days | 990 грн |
692 | Ig E to casein allergens | 3 days | 250 грн |
Diagnosis of feces | |||
286 | Coprogram (stool microscopy) | 1 days | 210 грн |
622 | Intestinal microbiome metabolism | 6 days | 2450 грн |
623 | Zonulin in feces | 20 days | 3300 грн |
600 | Analysis of feces for helminth eggs (microscopy) | 1 days | 190 грн |
605 | Fecal calprotectin (quantitative) | 1 days | 490 грн |
706 | Intestinal microbiome (Microbiota according to Osipov) - by NGS method (Germany) with recommendations for therapy, including nutritional advice; | 26 days | 8700 грн |
896 | Microbiom innovative technology GA-MAP; | 21 days | 7900 грн |
924 | Diagnosis of helminths (9 parasites) by the PCR method | 3 days | 1300 грн |
Cardio-rheumatoid panel | |||
375 | Complex Rheumoproby (C-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, antistreptolysin-O (quantitative determination) | 2 days | 240 грн |
365 | Rheumatoid factor (qualitative) | 1 days | 90 грн |
368 | C-reactive protein (qualitative) | 1 days | 90 грн |
275 | C-reactive protein (CRP) | 1 days | 150 грн |
369 | Sialic acids | 3 days | 190 грн |
370 | Troponin I (quantitative determination) | 1 days | 190 грн |
255 | Homocysteine | 1 days | 390 грн |
371 | Antibodies to citrullinated vimentin (Anti-MCV IgG) | 3 days | 480 грн |
372 | Antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (Anti CCP) | 3 days | 480 грн |
373 | Rheumatoid factor (quantitative) | 1 days | 110 грн |
366 | Antistreptolysin O (qualitative) | 1 days | 90 грн |
367 | Antistreptolysin O (ASL-O), quantitative indicator | 1 days | 90 грн |
374 | Creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) (cardiac) | 2 days | 190 грн |
TORCH infections | |||
457 | IgM antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii (Toxo IgM) | 2 days | 180 грн |
458 | IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii (Toxo IgG) | 2 days | 180 грн |
459 | IgM antibodies to herpes virus type 1 (HSV 1) | 2 days | 180 грн |
460 | IgG antibodies to herpes virus type 1 (HSV 1) | 2 days | 180 грн |
461 | IgG antibodies to herpes virus type 2 (HSV 2) | 2 days | 180 грн |
462 | IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV) | 2 days | 180 грн |
463 | Antibodies IgG to Cytomegalovirus (CMV IgG) | 2 days | 180 грн |
464 | 3 days | 190 грн | |
465 | 3 days | 190 грн | |
466 | 4 days | 180 грн | |
467 | 4 days | 180 грн | |
468 | 5 days | 320 грн | |
469 | IgG antibodies to rubella virus (Rub) | 2 days | 260 грн |
472 | IgM antibodies to herpes virus type 2 (HSV 2) | 2 days | 180 грн |
474 | 4 days | 190 грн | |
475 | 3 days | 190 грн | |
476 | Antibodies IgG to Epstein-Barr virus VCA (EBV VCA IgG) | 3 days | 190 грн |
479 | 4 days | 180 грн | |
483 | IgG antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1/2 (HSV-1/2 IgG) | 2 days | 195 грн |
484 | IgM antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1/2 (HSV-1/2 IgM) | 2 days | 195 грн |
485 | Herpes virus type VI (Human herpes virus, HHV-VI type), DNA quantification by PCR | 3 days | 310 грн |
941 | Herpes virus type VII (HHV VII), PLR method | 2 days | 999 грн |
893 | Herpes virus type VII | 5 days | 790 грн |
239 | Screening for antibodies to HIV 1 and HIV 2 | 3 days | 390 грн |
433 | Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotyping (types 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), qualitative determination by the PLR ??method | 3 days | 1199 грн |
442 | Hepatitis B virus surface antigen HBsAg | 1 days | 180 грн |
448 | Total antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) | 1 days | 190 грн |
950 | Genetics of IL28B (interleukin 28B) | 5 days | 650 грн |
Pituitary-adrenal indicators | |||
354 | Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) | 1 days | 280 грн |
260 | Cortisol (serum) (CR) | 1 days | 190 грн |
355 | Cortisol (in daily urine) (CR) | 2 days | 270 грн |
356 | Aldosterone (ALN) | 2 days | 490 грн |
287 | Cortisol (saliva) | 4 days | 290 грн |
357 | Total metanephrines (in daily urine) | 6 days | 790 грн |
358 | Somatomedin C (IGF-1) | 1 days | 440 грн |
359 | Somatotropic hormone (STH) | 3 days | 230 грн |
Veterinary DNA tests | |||
Veterinary DNA tests | |||
102 | Dogs - paternity/maternity test price per 1 participant; | 40 days | 3500 грн |
88 | Horses - DNA test for paternity/maternity horse hair, price per 1 participant; | 25 days | 2900 грн |
100 | Avian gender test (USA) by feather, check the presence of the parrot species in the list; | 40 days | 2900 грн |
279 | DNA Test - all about you dog (USA) composition of breeds, family tree, predisposition to 25+ diseases, coat color and other traits; | 60 days | 9900 грн |
836 | DNA test - All about your cat (USA) determination of the composition of breeds, a family tree, a tendency to 45+ diseases, blood type, coat color and other traits; | 60 days | 9900 грн |
Additional services | |||
Samples collection | |||
18 | DNA test kit for 2 participants - cotton buds included into the test price; | 200 грн | |
679 | Kit tube for DNA test included into the test price; | 400 грн | |
19 | Buccal swabs sample collection in Kiev, 1 participant; | 50 грн | |
38 | Sample collection - blood in Kyiv for one participant; | 100 грн | |
288 | Sample collection - blood from a child under 16 years old in Kyiv for one participant; | 150 грн | |
42 | Samples collection at customer - departure (Kyiv) address within the city; | 1300 грн | |
183 | Collection in cities, other than Kyiv, and delivery additionally to the test price; | 700 грн | |
575 | Collection, registration of sample for legal DNA test (except for Kyiv) | 1000 грн | |
630 | Samples collection at customer - departure (Kyiv region, morgue, prison) address within the region, cost may vary depending on distance; | 3500 грн | |
181 | Collecting samples without performing analysis and without sending samples to a third-party laboratory for 1-2 participants, price for Kyiv, sending to the laboratory according to the carrier\'s tariffs; | 2500 грн | |
624 | Translation of the result of the analysis into a foreign language (1 page) | 2 days | 130 грн |
741 | Free collection and storage of material for the Armed Forces of Ukraine free of charge in Kyiv, in other cities fence 500 UAH; | 0 грн | |
250 | Medical mask | 5 грн | |
Consultaions | |||
251 | Consultation of a geneticist (Sotnikova E. A.), online | 1200 грн | |
670 | Consultation of a geneticist (E. A. Sotnikova) extended when much medical information is provided; | 1800 грн | |
50 | Consultation of geneticist PhD L.Turova, online (skype, viber, telegram) 40 minutes; | 4700 грн | |
210 | Consultation of a molecular geneticist on kinship (Saveleva M.V.), online (Skype, viber, telegram) online, interpretation of results, choice of kinship test, verification of conclusions of other laboratories; | 500 грн | |
576 | Participation of an expert in a videoconference mode in a court session participation is considered readiness to connect, in the case of a repeat meeting, the service is paid additionally; | 2800 грн |